James Stirling b Winchelsea Victoria 28/9/1858 married Annie Porter b Western Creek Qld 6/10/1865
Married 26/2/1885 North Branch Qld
Below: Birth Registration of James Thomas Stirling born Winchelsea 28/9/1858. The only child of William and Janet born in Australia.


James Thomas Stirling born Winchelsea 28/9/1858. The only child of William and Janet born in Australia

Transcript of James Stirling's

history at left, written by him

Telephone 71

Born at Winchelsea Victoria in 1858 came to Queensland in 1872 just after the Franco-Prussian War.
Settled in Rockhampton district with his two brothers taking up land near where Mt Morgan now is. The Central Line terminus was then at Westwood 30 miles from Rockhampton and 11 miles from the land selected. Tried sheep but grass seed soon proved them unsuitable. Went into dairying and had teams on the roads to Clermont and Springsure. Blacks fairly numerous and bad in places. Fever and ague rather bad in that district. Then I and all hands becoming affected it was decided to sell out and go South. After inspecting many places in Victoria and N.S.W. came to the Darling Downs taking up land on Yandilla Run in 1880 and remained there all the rest of his life. There was no Pittsworth then but some years later Tyson Donnelly built an Hotel the Beauaraba after the name of the district then. It was the first building of what is now Pittsworth. Was Director of Butter factory when first built then Chairman for 3 years. Was a Member of the Jondaryan Council for some years contemporary with Charles Campbell Chas Williams James Maloney



Gary Copp, Crocker and others assisted in the severance movement by which the Shires of Pittsworth and Millmerran were created and was among the first Members of the Pittsworth Council.
Resigned and gave up all Public work devoted a lot of time to war work until the boys returned. Was a Member of the Dingo Board for years and a Director of Stürmfels Ltd since the firms inception and Chairman for 5 years took great interest in the firms progress. Retired from active work in 1919.

Obituary James Thomas Stirling (1858 - 1922) Pittsworth Sentinel July1, 1922
Transcript of above
Obituary Pittsworth Sentinel July1, 1922 Late Mr. J. T. Stirling
It is not often it falls to our lot to chronicle the death of one more beloved and highly respected and esteemed than instanced by Mr. J. T. Stirling, who “passed away” at St. Dennis’ Private Hospital on Monday evening last, after an illness extending over five weeks. It was not generally known that Mr. Stirling was in hospital in a very serious condition, and the sad news came as a great shock to the community, for it removed one of the most successful and oldest pioneer-residents of this district from amongst us – one of the most deservedly popular of men – not popular as Carlyle once described it, as “being the greatest lie in the world,: but popular in the sense that another great person has said “the popularity which follows, not that which is run after; it is that popularity which, sooner or later, never fails to do justice to the pursuit of noble ends by noble means.” About two weeks ago he underwent an operation for an internal complaint, and it seemed to be successful, so much so that on the day of his death his relatives and friends were most hopeful of his recovery. Late that evening, however, his heart weakened and he “passed away” very suddenly to the surprise and shock of all who knew the nature of his illness.  
The late Mr. Stirling was a gentleman of excellent virtues and characteristics that made him a valuable asset to the district. He was strong in his opinions but charitable and kindly disposed to all who differed from him. In his home life he was the ideal husband and father, and in public life the very essence of honor and integrity. His advice was much sought after, particularly with regard to pastoral pursuits, and the fact that he was chairman of the directorate of Messrs Sturmfels, Ltd., Brisbane, the well-known wool brokers and stock and station agents, for several years, and ……….a member of the directorate for the past fifteen years, was proof of his capacity and ability in this respect. The Ryan Government also recognised his keen knowledge on all land matters, and appointed him as one of a royal Commission to enquire into the Jimbour and Widgee Estates.
The deceased gentleman was born at Winchelsea, Victoria, and as a very young man came to this state, and with a brother resided for a time in the Rockhampton district. Forty-five years ago both brothers came to this district and selected the land on which the …….. Mr. Stirling ever since resided, at the time when the Yandilla and Felton estates were thrown open for selection. Later the brothers dissolved the partnership, and the deceased gentleman entered into a partnership with Mr. George Gerrand, but finally became sole proprietor. About two years or more ago he retired from active interest in this fine property, which has since been ably managed by his sons.
Some years ago, at the time of Kidston Coalition, he was requested to stand as a candidate for Parliament for the Pittsworth Electorate in the interests of the Philp Party, and consented to do so, but was defeated by Mr. D. P. Mackintosh, a Kidstonite and sitting Member, but nevertheless polled well. He was one of the foundation members of the Pittsworth Shire Council, also the old Jondaryan Shire Council. He stood as a candidate for the first Pittsworth Shire Council, and contested the election with a definite policy, particularly with reference to the vexed question regarding the destruction of burr. He could see trouble ahead unless this pest was drastically dealt with, and tenaciously fought to have this policy carried out.  
The majority of the Council did not favour the measures suggested by the then Cr. Stirling, which they considered too drastic, and he immediately resigned as a protest to their action. At the recent elections conducted under the new franchise, he was asked by many influential ratepayers and electors to contest the Chairmanship of the Pittsworth Shire Council, but graciously declined. He was also a member of the old Jondaryan Shire Council, and at one time a director of the Pittsworth Dairy company, Ltd., and also chairman of the Directorate, a life member of the Pittsworth School of Arts, an honour bestowed on him for his liberal financial support and patronage in the early days of the institution, a member of the Committee of the Pittsworth P.A. and H. Association, and frequently a judge in the sheep section at many of our Shows. In fact he was in some way connected with every forward movement for the betterment of the town and district, which always received his influential and liberal financial support.  
A son and daughter (William and Sister Stirling) saw active service during the Great War, and the Stirling family gave much assistance in patriotic efforts during those anxious and troublesome times. Those left to mourn their loss are a wife, three sons and three daughters, namely, Willie, Thomas, Victor, Sister Stirling (Cairns), Mrs. “Bert” Keene and Miss Minnie Stirling. Four sisters of deceased are still alive, being Mrs. Orchard (Blackall), Mrs. Johns (Brisbane), and the Misses Stirling (2), of Lorne, Victoria. His two brothers died some years ago.  
The remains were brought from Toowoomba on Tuesday last, and taken to the local Presbyterian Church, where a most impressive service was held. Many beautiful wreaths were placed on the coffin, and numerous messages of condolence were received. The funeral then proceeded to North Branch where the last remains were laid, the Rev. G.S Beagrio officiating at the graveside. The attendance at the funeral was very large and representative, and numbers journeyed many miles to pay their last respects. Amongst those present was the Chairman (Cr. J Bickerton), and other members of that body, who acted as pall-bearers, and Messrs. Geo. Story (manager) and J. Armstrong (salesman), representing Messrs. Sturmfels Limited. And so has “passed” one of the oldest identities of this district, and one of its most beloved and highly esteemed.