James McLaren STIRLING:
Born at Pittsworth Hospital---April 8th, 1921.
Due to busy property work, his Dad rode the 10 miles or so into Pittsworth after work to see his wife and child, and rode home afterwards in the dark every night they were there.
Mac joined the R.A.A.F. as a student pilot on May 29th, 1941.—graduated as a pilot July 20th 1941.
Joined famous 75 Squadron in Milne Bay, PNG in September 1942---saw action from then on.
March 9th, 1943---shot down Japanese bomber—confirmed kill. Decorated as a result. Mentioned in Dispatches.
April 6th, 1943 shot down another bomber, but wounded in right leg.
KILLED IN ACTION. January 27th, 1944---aged 22
Poem MAC by Mary (Stirling) Webb
Information and poem courtesy Rod Stirling
Above photo courtesy Elspeth Turner